All about What's the Deal, Grosse Ile?

March 4thth, 2021

Host: Ben Fogt

Unknown Speaker 0:00

This is Episode 19 of What's the Deal, Grosse Ile?, the podcast that explores the people places history and events that makes grow seal unique. I'm your host, Ben Fogt.

Ben Fogt 5:00

What wish do you have for Grosse Ile?

And I like to think that I'm standing in for all of the people who are standing around looking at things under a seal and saying What's the Deal, Grosse Ile? And so I get to be the person that asked the questions, and gets in contact with those insiders and get some knowledge and help help publicize some of the great things that are happening on the island. So this is Episode 19. This is the first season of the podcast, I expect that this season will have about 25 episodes. And then I'll take a month or two off to work on some other projects that I'll tell you about here in a minute. And during that two months or so I'm going to build up some some more episodes, I like to have several episodes recorded ahead of time so that we can we can have some time to make good quality productions there. So I expect season two will start probably around July or August. You'll hear some of that through social media. Or just subscribe to the podcast and it'll come up in your podcast feed as soon as we're producing more episodes.

They don't pronounce Grosse Ile like we do. When you want to ask Alexa to play a podcast you say Alexa, play?

What's the Deal, Grosse Ile? Well, if you say that actually, you won't get what you want. Instead, you have to say, What's the Deal, Grosse-a Ile-a. So there you go. There's a tip and a trick to make the podcast happen for you.

Unknown Speaker 8:39

So that's how it works. And that's what the podcast is about. Now let's talk about why I am doing it. Well, let's, let's do it the way that I'm normally asked this question. So who am I who has been vote and how do you say my last name? So obviously, I'm Ben Fogt. And that's how you say my name. It's spelled F-O-G-T. I used to tell folks how to spell my last name, fog-T, F-O-G-T. And I grew up in Marysville, Ohio. I grew up with the Honda plants. The first motorcycle plant was built right about the time that we moved to town. And when the year I was graduated from high school was when a lot of the newer Honda plants outside of Marysville opened. Even the Honda engine plant in an Ohio was built on some of my relatives property. right about the time I graduated from high school in 1992. So

Unknown Speaker 12:54

came up several times for entire weekends to go to the village to go to the museum and take a little wheat you know we little kids and and so when we move back up here, I actually got an opportunity to get my dream job really talking about innovation and the people who've made our lives the way they are at Greenfield Village. And so that's what I do during the summers. And I love helping people figure out how they can do the same things that the people that we talked about the museum did, that those were just normal people that took their opportunities, and didn't give up and made the world a better place. And so I love being able to do that. And all of these things, all of this history comes together for this podcast. So one of the things I love about Grosse Ile is the rich tradition, the history and the people and the diversity of ideas that we have here on the island, the incredible people who live here, and the people and what they've made it made this place into. And it goes way back every every day, I learned something new that that takes the history of Garcia even deeper. And I'm glad I get to share it.

Unknown Speaker 14:03


Unknown Speaker 14:05

you've already heard about the podcast. But the other podcasts, the one that got me started in podcasting is called today is and it's sort of like jello. There's always time to listen to the today's podcast. I'll have a link down in the episode description. You can just listen to it anytime you want. I actually listen to it every morning. Part of it is to for quality assurance, but then also because I think it's really helpful.

Unknown Speaker 14:31

Just since you've listened this far into this episode, I'll tell you the punchline to the today. This joke overall, is that there's a podcast for that. So if anyone ever tells you that they've stopped being able to tell what day of the week it is or what the day is, you can say there's a podcast for that. Because there is the today is podcast. All right. Also, I'm starting a new podcast and this is one of the things that I'll be taking a break to do here in a minute.

Unknown Speaker 15:00

In a few in a few weeks anyway,

Unknown Speaker 15:03

some friends and I are going to reboot a brand called Dad Labs. And that was a once popular YouTube channel,

Unknown Speaker 15:10

focusing on

Unknown Speaker 15:13

fatherhood, baby equipment, child rearing, all the all the different things. It was a really big brand, lots of lots of

Unknown Speaker 15:22

companies worked with them to show how different things work. And it's always amazing to see how that does. If you've ever used smarty pants vitamins, they were one of the early sponsors of Dad Labs and, and as dead labs, matured, smarty pants took off, and actually one of the fellows I'm working with is part of the smarty pants team. And so we're, we're gonna re bring, we're gonna bring DadLabs back to the world as a podcast, and then maybe expand out into some other media channels as we get going there. And so if you want to hear more about that, I'd be happy to talk about it. And we'll probably talk about that someday in maybe a cornice meeting or a rotary meeting. So just let me know if you want to hear about that. And we will also share some links and give you some updates on that. So that's the story of the What's the Deal, Grosse Ile? podcast. Thank you for spending the time with me.

Ben Fogt 16:57

And thank you for listening. What's the Deal, Grosse Ile? is recorded and produced by me then folks, you can keep in touch with me through the What's the Deal, Grosse Ile Facebook page, or email me at you can share episodes from Facebook or hear them from the website. and of course it never hurts to subscribe so you can get the latest episodes through your favorite podcast delivery tool, like Spotify, Apple podcasts, pocket casts, and so many others. Our intro and credit music is mocktails in the rain by Antii Luodo, which is used through a Creative Commons license. Find more of his music on as Antii's Instrumentals.

Thanks for listening to What's the Deal, Grosse Ile?

This episode is a meta episode, we're going to talk about podcasts in general. We're going to talk about what makes a podcast into the thing that you're hearing right now. We're going to talk about this particular podcast, how it works. And we're going to talk about me for just a little bit and why I am doing this service for the community. So let's start. These are mostly just questions that I get asked around town when I'm when people talk to me about the podcast, and discussions that we have oftentimes before episodes start. So what is a podcast? That's the basic question that I get to answer for a lot of people these days. Well, a podcast is an audio form of entertainment or news that's in an on demand format. We talked about on demand format, we're talking about things like Netflix and YouTube, where you request a program, instead of waiting for it to come on, like TV or radio. Now, the way the podcasts work, there are many websites that aggregate and index episodes from 1000s. At this point, over 1.9 million creators, those websites that do that are mostly big companies, they're Apple, Google, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon tune in. And what they do is they they keep that data, we'll talk about where my data comes from that unless you get to this podcast, but they keep track of where all that stuff is. It's a big index, like a card catalog. And when the apps that people used to listen to these are looking for podcasts, they go to those, those lists, and they look for what the most recent episodes are. So listeners, like I said, use apps. So those apps can be on phones, they can be on computers, they can be digital assistants, they could even just be directly on websites. So the digital assistants, those are things like Alexa Siri, Google Assistant. And we'll talk about about some particular particularities about those here in a minute. But in general, if you have a smartphone, your phone likely came with a podcast app on it already. If it was an Apple iOS device, like a an iPhone, or an iPad, it's gonna have Apple podcasts on it. If it's older, it might have iTunes, but Apple podcasts is the new name for that part. And if it's an Android device, it'll have Google podcasts. Now, those are those are by default. But if you subscribe to a service, like Spotify, or amazon music, even XM, Sirius XM Radio now has podcasts, they might include those in the subscription that you pay for there. I use an app an app on my phone called pocket casts. And pocket casts gives me some extra features that I like that make it more usable, especially here on the island. So if you're not happy with with the applications you're using Now, you might try out pocket casts. And you can ask me why other people use things like podcast attic, tune in amazon music, and they're on and on and on. But like I said, you can also just go to the website of the podcast. And listen, in fact, you can listen on my website, which is what's the deal Or you could you could look up our social media feeds. And we usually have links to it from there. So behind the scenes, what I do is I have to upload these sound files that we edit, we send those up to a server and we have a podcast host. My podcast host is called podcast. But there are lots and lots and lots of them. And they're being bought up by big bigger companies. Spotify has a company called anchor that they merged in. And so Spotify has their own podcast host. And they that gives them the ability to sell ads. But it also gives those hosts the ability to license music from there. So it works both ways. Spotify does share some Commission's with the podcast creators. But there's some some downsides to it too, you don't really get to choose your ads and benefit directly. So there are lots of options there. Now, before we get to that part where I upload the file and send it out to the world, the part that happens before that is I get in contact with somebody and we set up an interview.

And I prepare a document that I call a conversation structure. And that is a basic list of very basic questions that sort of guide our conversation through trying to aim for a half hour discussion, maybe 20 minutes of talking about the the item and of course ending with our question.

in my family actually doesn't have any Honda connections Other than that, that a property sale.

The My father was an agronomist coming out of Purdue University and worked for so hygro and Terra farm, farm fertilizer companies and my mother was an educator with the women's Are with the the Ohio prison system. She started at The Ohio reformatory for women in Marysville, Ohio, and went on to become a regional principal and worked with several prisons around the state. In 1991, I was mentoring a little recording studio in town that was owned and operated by the high school art teacher. And because of that experience, I learned a lot there. But I also wanted to become a music producer and audio engineer. So I went to capitol university to become to get a degree in music engineering, or music industry at the time, it was a brand new program. But it was a music conservatory. And so even though I was not intending to play piano, and I really wasn't intending to do more than just sing as a hobby, I was a classical and jazz singer. Piano ended up being a requirement to get a degree from the music conservatory and I was not good at piano, had a hard time learning and ended up passing out of out of the conservatory into a degree in philosophy, and another degree in world religions and philosophies. And from there, I actually took those degrees and I went into technical fields. So I worked for lots of companies. One of one of the highlights of my my work early on, I worked for a company called Aldous con. Aldous Kahn was the company that invented the SMS protocol that arranged for interoperability of text messaging between cell phone carriers, if you're in the communications industry, you might know the the SMS protocol over SS seven over the SS seven transmissions that go from from tower to tower. That was what all this did. I was with them for a few months. And they they sold the company and ended up moving the offices out of out of Columbus. And I went on to do other things, some great things with some fortune 500 companies from fortune 100 companies I consulted I own my own businesses did all sorts of things. In 2005, I moved to Fort Wayne, Indiana when I married my wife, Deborah. Then in 2011, we moved to Columbus, Indiana when my younger son was just over one year old. She went to work for Cummins, I went down there and started a new with a food truck. I started a woodfired pizza food truck, and a catering business that went along with it. And then eventually a restaurant support that. I was also an architecture tour guide. In 2016. We came up to Michigan, Deborah started working for Ford and I sold her I got rid of my my businesses down there and came up here and I actually got my dream job. In 2010 2011, we actually went to Greenfield Village in the Henry Ford museum a few times got a membership. And while we were up here with loved it, we

Now, of course, we're at the end of this interview with myself. And this is where I asked my guests. What's your wish for the island? What's your wish? progressio Well, you know, I go back and forth on what my wish for gristle is. But right now I'll tell you what I want. I really would like someone to build a bass pro, and a hotel with an indoor waterpark at the steel plant site and Trenton we need it downriver needs it and the 1000s who come here to fish every year. Definitely need it. So just ponder that. And if you know somebody who can make that happen, let's make it happen.

Unknown Speaker 16:54


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